FULFILLMENT THERAPY - Marriage & Family Therapy, Self Mastery, Self Actualization, Unmet Needs, LDS Parent, Family Connection
Hey, Parents! Welcome to Fulfillment Therapy, your space for healing and personal growth, where you can nurture yourselves to enrich your family life. We know the drill - you’re constantly on the hunt for ways to be the best parent and spouse, but it often feels like there’s barely a moment to catch your breath. Balancing your duties, connecting with your kids, and tackling stress can leave you feeling completely exhausted. Mornings start with the best of intentions, but somehow, they often unravel into a whirlwind of arguments with everyone heading in different directions by the day’s end. It’s a stressful cycle, and it’s clear that something is missing. I’m Kendra, a mother and therapist who’s been there before. I’ve learned that to be the best parent you can be, you must prioritize self-care. When you stop ignoring and neglecting your own needs and well-being, you’ll find that you have more energy and less resentment to offer your family. In our relentless pursuit of being super parents, we often forget about the importance of self development and maintaining good mental health, which can lead to anxiety and depression. Balancing the responsibilities of family life while nurturing your personal growth can be difficult. However, it’s essential to become the best version of yourself to be the best parent and spouse. Fulfillment Therapy is about more than just refining your parenting skills; it’s about unlocking your full potential. It’s about rediscovering your values and faith, and creating a safe haven for both you and your family to flourish. In this podcast, we’ll learn tips on reducing stress, overwhelm, and depression, while showing you how to take better care of yourself without neglecting your family and core values. You’ll discover how to advocate for yourself--without shame--and how to nurture your individual worth in sustainable, healthy ways. By replenishing your own cup and meeting your own unmet needs, you can provide more for your family and, most importantly, yourself. We’ll work toward a life where peace, confidence, and a reduced guilt become the norm. You’ll soon discover that your dream of a balanced, joyful life will become your daily reality. It’s time to model healthy self-care, and tap into your unique gifts and talents to make family life more fulfilling than you ever imagined possible. https://fulfillmenttherapy.org Connect → fulfillment.therapist@gmail.com Facebook → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/fulfillmenttherapy/
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Do you feel like your home or family culture is more negative and problem focused than you would like? Do you find that most of your interactions are reminders about what someone isn’t doing and that you’re just noticing all the deficits in your life instead of all the gains? Maybe you notice, but the pattern is so ingrained in you, that even noticing doesn’t seem to change it. Do you wish you knew what would ACTUALLY help you make that shift to greater positivity and keep it for more than a minute?
In today's episodes I’ll give you tips and insights on how to do exactly that. I’ll teach you 12 tactical tips on how to begin improving immediately. I’ll share ideas from John Gottman, Peggy O’Mara, Mayo Clinic, Ralph Marston, and more.
I know it will improve your life and the lives of those you influence, if you act on what you learn and start today.
Shine boldly and brightly and enjoy!
ALL LINKS → https://linktr.ee/fulfillmenttherapy
Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org
Contact → hello@fulfillmenttherapy.org
Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Group → Private FB Group
Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching
Chat → 1-986-910-5172 *text questions & topic requests
If you're ready for accelerated transformation, I'm launching Igniting Life on August 20th. This is a 12 week mental health and wellness reset for individuals who are ready for change in clear, step-by-step ways with necessary weekly accountability. If you’re ready to ignite your life and really start loving life again, this is the course for you. I guarantee that the investment you make will be returned tenfold with tried and true therapeutic techniques, strategies, and tools from an invested, trustworthy source. Your compound growth is waiting for you to make a commitment. It’s like I would tell my personal training clients: every dollar you spend on self growth is mathematically proven to save you in future mental and physical health costs. So truly, sign up now or you’ll pay for it many times over in the future, but without the joyful benefits. You truly won’t regret investing in my mental health and wellness. I never have–even when some courses were less beneficial because they showed me what else I needed. And since I’ve taken so many, I’ll go above and beyond. Guaranteed.
“Happiness is not by chance, but by choice.” -Jim Rohn
“Being positive does not mean ignoring the negative. Being positive means overcoming the negative.” -Ralph Marston
“The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice” -Peggy O’Mara
John Gottman and the 5:1 Magic Ratio
A Child Called It, by Dave Pelzer
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
In today’s episode, you’ll learn what blocks and barriers are and how these limiting beliefs are keeping you stuck. You’ll learn practical tools to help you discover your own limiting beliefs and what you need to do to move past excuses.
I also share what Pearson’s Law is and why it’s important. Learn how you can have exponential growth in your own life, no matter what you face. I also teach concepts from James Clear on tiny gains and show you what the numbers actually look like when you put in small gains over time.
We end with talking about insights from Darren Hardy, Grant Cardone, and Benjamin Hardy, all major authors, trainers, and thought leaders and teach you concepts that have helped transform me and my clients, and will do the same for you if you do the work.
Liberate yourself from your fears, do the work, and shine on!
ALL LINKS → https://linktr.ee/fulfillmenttherapy
Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org
Contact → hello@fulfillmenttherapy.org
Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Group → Private FB Group
Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching
Chat → 1-986-910-5172 *text questions & topic requests
If you're ready for accelerated transformation, I'm launching Igniting Life on August 20th. This is a 12 week mental health and wellness reset for individuals who are ready for change in clear, step-by-step ways with necessary weekly accountability. If you’re ready to ignite your life and really start loving life again, this is the course for you. I guarantee that the investment you make will be returned tenfold with effective therapeutic techniques, strategies, and tools from an invested, trustworthy source. Your compound growth is waiting for you to make a commitment. It’s like I would tell my personal training clients: every dollar you spend on self growth is statistically proven to save you in future mental and physical health costs. So truly, sign up now or you’ll pay for it many times over in the future, but without the positive benefits. You truly won’t regret investing in my mental health and wellness. I never have–even when some courses were less beneficial because they showed me what else I needed to look for. I’ll show you all those things and more. I promise to go above and beyond. Guaranteed.
“The secret of getting results that last is to never stop making improvements. It's remarkable what you can build if you just don't stop. ... Small habits don't add up. They compound. ...Tiny changes. Remarkable results." -James Clear
“Forget about willpower. It's time for why-power. Your choices are only meaningful when you connect them to your desires and dreams. The wisest and most motivating choices are the ones aligned with that which you identify as your purpose, your core self, and your highest values. You've got to want something, and know why you want it, or you'll end up giving up too easily.”
― Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success
“It's not the big things that add up in the end; it's the hundreds, thousands, or millions of little things that separate the ordinary from the extraordinary.”
― Darren Hardy
“Your biggest challenge isn’t that you’ve intentionally been making bad choices. Heck, that would be easy to fix. Your biggest challenge is that you’ve been sleepwalking through your choices.”
― Darren Hardy
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
In today’s episode, you’ll learn how faith is one of the greatest tools we have to improve the quality of life. You’ll better understand how to navigate your own faith crisis, or have more compassion for loved ones going through the same things. We’ll explore James Fowler’s Stages of Faith Development and what it means. You’ll better understand how questions are healthy and normal and that they will help you find greater strength as you approach them in helpful ways.
“A childhood experience introduced me to the idea that some choices are good but others are better. I lived for two years on a farm. We rarely went to town. Our Christmas shopping was done in the Sears, Roebuck catalog. I spent hours poring over its pages. For the rural families of that day, catalog pages were like the shopping mall or the Internet of our time.
Something about some displays of merchandise in the catalog fixed itself in my mind. There were three degrees of quality: good, better, and best. For example, some men’s shoes were labeled good ($1.84), some better ($2.98), and some best ($3.45).
As we consider various choices, we should remember that it is not enough that something is good. Other choices are better, and still others are best. Even though a particular choice is more costly, its far greater value may make it the best choice of all.” -Dallin H. Oaks Good, Better, Best
“Asking inspired questions leads to knowledge. It leads to revelation. It leads to greater faith. And it leads to peace. Not asking questions, on the other hand, closes off revelation, growth, learning, progression, and the ministering of the Holy Ghost.”― Sheri Dew, Worth the Wrestle
“I told her, "Bring your scriptures… and every question you have. Questions are good. Let's see what the Lord will teach us together."
...During one of our study sessions together, as she threw a steady stream of questions at me, I asked her if she was asking questions against a backdrop of faith or one of doubt. "In other words, are you saying, 'Here's something I don't understand, so the gospel must not be true.' or are you willing to say, 'Here's something I don't understand, but I wonder what the Lord or His prophets will teach us about this?'
Are your questions asked with the assumption that there are answers? Are you willing to trust the Lord and give Him the benefit of the doubt?”
― Sheri Dew, Worth the Wrestle
“Are you willing to engage in the wrestle? In an ongoing spiritual wrestle? If we want to grow spiritually, the Lord expects us to ask questions and seek answers.
We live in a sound-bite world where "tweets," "likes," "posts," and "shares" have become the way we keep informed and share ideas. We are accustomed to expecting instant answers. But the most compelling questions in our lives rarely have quick, easy, Google answers. That is because receiving revelation and gaining knowledge, particularly divine knowledge, takes time.
It takes a wrestle.”― Sheri Dew, Worth the Wrestle
“Winning wrestlers learn to leverage their strength to subdue, overpower, and defeat their opponents.
Spiritual wrestling leverages the strength of true doctrine to overpower our weaknesses, our wavering faith, and our lack of knowledge. Spiritual wrestlers are seekers. They are men and women of faith who want to understand more than they presently do and who are serious about increasing the light and knowledge in their lives.”― Sheri Dew, Worth the Wrestle
I’ll share insights from professional experiences with clients, personal experiences, and from Sheri Dew, Dallin H. Oaks, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, James Fowler, and more.
You’ll leave with an assurance that your 1% efforts towards increasing your spirituality in the way that resonates with you is enough, because it’s forward momentum. You’ll be better able to let go of “shoulds” and look inward to determine the best path for you personally and practice ownership and openness to discover what that is.
I hope this episode strengthens you and helps you remember that you’re not alone, weird, or a misfit, but completely normal. Most of us will experience a meandering faith journey and it will look different than we expected, and there are things you can do to experience greater faith. Tune in for more episodes on faith in the future.
Best of luck in your journey,
ALL LINKS → https://linktr.ee/fulfillmenttherapy
Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org
Contact → hello@fulfillmenttherapy.org
Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Group → Private FB Group
Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching
Chat → 1-986-910-5172 *text questions & topic requests
If you're ready for accelerated transformation, I'm launching Igniting Life on August 20th. This is a 12 week mental health and wellness reset for individuals who are ready for change in clear, step-by-step ways with necessary weekly accountability. If you’re ready to ignite your life and really start loving life again, this is the course for you. I guarantee that the investment you make will be returned tenfold with effective therapeutic techniques, strategies, and tools from an invested, trustworthy source. Your compound growth is waiting for you to make a commitment. It’s like I would tell my personal training clients: every dollar you spend on self growth is statistically proven to save you in future mental and physical health costs. So truly, sign up now or you’ll pay for it many times over in the future, but without the positive benefits. You truly won’t regret investing in my mental health and wellness. I never have–even when some courses were less beneficial because they showed me what else I needed to look for. I’ll show you all those things and more. I promise to go above and beyond. Guaranteed.
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
Today we talk about the in’s and out’s of boundary setting, boundary enforcement, and boundary maintenance. I’ll teach you crucial steps that will help you minimize conflict so you don’t have to feel like a broken record and keep having the same friction points in your relationships.
I’ll teach you where you need to take more ownership and how you can do it in easy ways that require LESS WORK than your current patterns that never seem to work.
You’ll learn top boundary setting tools that therapists like my husband and I use today and you’ll learn from other experts like Henry Cloud, Sharon and Gordon Bower, Adelyn Birch, and Anna Taylor.
Today you'll learn several tactical steps to start applying immediately. If you want greater growth, grab your journal and start listening because this is what you need to improve family peace, enlarge your self respect, and increase your energy level and joy at home.
I know you'll find amazing growth in the application of these principles!
ALL LINKS → https://linktr.ee/fulfillmenttherapy
Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org
Contact → hello@fulfillmenttherapy.org
Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Group → Private FB Group
Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching
Chat → 1-986-910-5172 *text questions & topic requests
If you're ready for accelerated transformation, I'm launching Igniting Life on August 20th. This is a 12 week mental health and wellness reset for individuals who are ready for change in clear, step-by-step ways with necessary weekly accountability. If you’re ready to ignite your life and really start loving life again, this is the course for you. I guarantee that the investment you make will be returned tenfold with tried and true therapeutic techniques, strategies, and tools from an invested, trustworthy source. Your compound growth is waiting for you to make a commitment. It’s like I would tell my personal training clients: every dollar you spend on self growth is mathematically proven to save you in future mental and physical health costs. So truly, sign up now or you’ll pay for it many times over in the future, but without the joyful benefits. You truly won’t regret investing in my mental health and wellness. I never have–even when some courses were less beneficial because they showed me what else I needed. And since I’ve taken so many, I’ll go above and beyond. Guaranteed.
A boundary is a clear line that marks limits and can tell you where to stop. In any relationship, boundaries define where things like your identity, responsibility, and control begin and end. It is communicating what your values are and how you’ll protect them when they are threatened or violated. Simply put, a boundary is a line that won't be crossed & what you will & won't tolerate.
“Boundaries need to be communicated first verbally and then with actions.” -Henry Cloud (author and psychologist)
“Boundaries protect the things that are of value to you. They keep you in alignment with what you have decided you want in life. That means the key to good boundaries is knowing what you want.” -Adelyn Birch (Author)
“Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” -Anna Taylor (author)
Boundary Tips: 1. It’s okay to say no, 2. Protecting your boundary creates self respect, 3. It's ok if others don't agree with you; It's not their value, 4. It's not your job to fix others or make them happy; you can only control yourself, 5. Be flexible but not a pushover, 6. Boundaries are not punishments but a protective fence, 7. It's not your partner's responsibility to maintain or enforce your boundary
Sharon and Gordon Bower and the DESC formula: Describe, Express, Specify and Consequences.
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
Do you think you’re pretty assertive and decent at communicating? Do you have a healthy self esteem and are you fairly confident most days? If you’re anything like my clients or myself, after this episode, you’ll likely discover that you have a lot further to go than you might have realized when it comes to communicating assertively. Assertiveness is the one thing that every client I coach tells me that they learned so much about and that this information was pivotal in creating stronger relationships and better communication.
Today, you’ll learn the different characteristics of 3 communication styles: passivity, assertiveness, and aggressiveness. Learn why all clients are surprised when they assess themselves and find they are less confident and assertive then they may have thought and learn what to do to start to improve your communication quickly.
You’ll discover concepts from mental health professionals like Albert Ellis, Nathaniel Branden, Julie De Azevedo Hanks, and more. Gain clarity on less obvious ways assertiveness can show up in your life.
I’ll give you key questions you can ask yourself to determine if you are living in alignment with your higher self and help you understand small steps you can take to develop clearer communication and improved mental health.
Your path to a healthier family culture and healthier relationships starts today, my friend. Step forward into growth, my friend!
“Being assertive does not mean attacking or ignoring others feelings. It means that you are willing to hold up for yourself fairly–without attacking others.” -Albert Ellis (famous psychologist)
“The practice of assertiveness: being authentic in our dealings with others; treating our values and persons with decent respect in social contexts; refusing to fake the reality of who we are or what we esteem in order to avoid disapproval; the willingness to stand up for ourselves and our ideas in appropriate ways in appropriate contexts.” -Nathaniel Branden (famous psychotherapist and self esteem researcher)
“At its core, assertiveness is about the courage to express difference.” -Julie De Azevedo Hanks (Latter-day saint therapist and podcaster)
“Passivity allows others to decide for you. Aggressiveness decides for others. …Assertiveness decides for yourself.” -Darlene Lancer
https://www.verywellmind.com/coping-when-your-spouse-shuts-down-4097175 (What Is Stonewalling–article)
If you're ready for accelerated transformation, I'm launching Igniting Life on August 20th. This is a 12 week mental health and wellness makeover for individuals who are ready for change in clear, step-by-step ways with crucial accountability. If you’re ready to remodel your life and start thriving again, this is the course for you. I guarantee that the investment you make will be returned tenfold with tried and true therapeutic techniques, strategies, and tools from an invested, trustworthy source. Your compound growth is waiting for your commitment. You won’t regret it.
ALL LINKS → https://linktr.ee/fulfillmenttherapy
Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org
Contact → hello@fulfillmenttherapy.org
Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Group → Private FB Group
Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching
Chat → 1-986-910-5172 *text questions & topic requests
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
Many of my clients–both men and women–come to me and share that even after they’ve achieved several of their dreams, they find themselves unhappy. It’s confusing. Maybe you’ve also felt that emptiness despite having so much. It can’t be confusing and frustrating, especially when it affects your mental health and how you show up to your loved ones.
In today's episode, we’ll talk about several tactical steps you can take to discover your purpose, passion, calling, and mission so that you can not only get through the daily grind, but get rid of it. You’ll find greater clarity and progress so that you can find the fulfillment you’ve been seeking. I even break several tactical exercises down so you can easily do the work to get the results and begin to create a vision of a more purposeful life moving forward. You’ll find momentum and joy again as you start to intentionally create the life you want.
If you're ready for accelerated transformation, I'm launching Igniting Life on August 20th. This is a 12 week mental health and wellness reset for individuals who are ready for change in clear, step-by-step ways with crucial accountability. If you’re ready to remodel your life and start thriving again, this is the course for you. I guarantee that the investment you make will be returned tenfold with tried and true therapeutic techniques, strategies, and tools from an invested, trustworthy source. Your compound growth is waiting for your commitment. You won’t regret it.
ALL LINKS → https://linktr.ee/fulfillmenttherapy
Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org
Contact → hello@fulfillmenttherapy.org
Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Group → Private FB Group
Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching
Chat → 1-986-910-5172 *text questions & topic requests
"Visualize what you want to do before you do it. Visualization is so powerful that when you know what you want, you will get it."
-Audrey Flack
“Create a vision of who you want to be, and then live into that picture as if it were already true.”
-Arnold Schwarzenegger
“Make your vision so clear that your fears become irrelevant.” -Kerwin Rae
"What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny."-Robin Sharma
"Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone." -Billy Cox
"If you want to find your purpose in life, find your wound." -Rick Warren
"There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It's why you were born. And how you become most truly alive." -Oprah Winfrey
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Today we talk about the gifts of anxiety and depression. You’ll learn how paradigm shifts can help you see adversity as a powerful tool for growth–and you’ll understand just what those tools are. You’ll hear about exemplary people who navigated adversity like Louie Zamperini from Unbroken, Immaculee Illabagiza from Left to Tell, and others.
You’ll be introduced to new concepts like “antifragility” and post traumatic growth and come to understand what they have to do with resilience–and how you can adopt a more resilient mindset in the midst of your own trials. I also include research from the latest thought leaders that will challenge some unhelpful cultural norms that have persisted for decades. You’ll explore your own hardships and how you’ve discovered priceless insights from your experiences that came about because of your experiences.
You’ll discover how to change unhelpful narratives and how to grow in patience, wisdom, and hope–which are just some of many by-products of growth that are shared in this episode. You’ll leave with a greater understanding of adversity and what it can do for you in your life and in the lives of your loved ones.
“I came to learn that God never shows us something we aren't ready to understand. Instead, He lets us see what we need to see, when we need to see it. He'll wait until our eyes and hearts are open to Him, and then when we're ready, He will plant our feet on the path that's best for us...but it's up to us to do the walking.” -Immaculee Ilabagiza
“Through the fiercest fires, the finest steel is forged.” -Unknown
“I don’t want you to be safe ideologically. I don’t want you to be safe emotionally. I want you to be strong. That’s different. I’m not going to pave the jungle for you. Put on some boots, and learn how to deal with adversity. I’m not going to take all the weights out of the gym; that’s the whole point of the gym. This is the gym.” -The Coddling of the American Mind
“I knew that my heart and mind would always be tempted to feel anger--to find blame and hate. But I resolved that when the negative feelings came upon me, I wouldn't wait for them to grow or fester. I would always turn immediately to the Source of all true power: I would turn to God and let His love and forgiveness protect and save me.” Later she said, “If I can forgive, anyone can forgive.” -Immaculee Illabagiza
“However dark the night, however dim our hopes, the light will always follow the darkness” -Louis Zamperini
“The great lesson of my life is perseverance. Never give up. It's like my brother said, “Isn't one minute of pain worth a lifetime of glory?” -Louis Zamperini
Remember Louie’s words–”...the light will always follow the darkness.” See adversity as a gift and you’ll always find growth.
If you're ready for accelerated transformation, I'm launching Igniting Life on August 20th. This is a 12 week mental health and wellness makeover for individuals who are ready for change in clear, step-by-step ways with crucial accountability. If you’re ready to remodel your life and start thriving again, this is the course for you. I guarantee that the investment you make will be returned tenfold with tried and true therapeutic techniques, strategies, and tools from an invested, trustworthy source. Your compound growth is waiting for your commitment. You won’t regret it.
ALL LINKS → https://linktr.ee/fulfillmenttherapy
Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org
Contact → hello@fulfillmenttherapy.org
Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Group → Private FB Group
Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching
Chat → 1-986-910-5172 *text questions & topic requests
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Do you feel sluggish and unmotivated in your life lately? Do you wish someone would give you some clear direction on how to start improving your life so that you can find joy in waking up again rather than laying in bed and dreading the day? If this is you, then you got your wish.
In today’s episode you’ll learn how to create the life you can’t wait to wake up to using 6 straightforward hacks. You'll find out how to create a morning routine that happy, successful people use around the world that will set you apart and give you the momentum you're searching for. You’ll hear priceless tips and wisdom from Hal Elrod, Camilla Eyring Kimball, Ryan Blair, Chuck Palahniuk, and even Bob Saget.
I’ll share stories that will teach you how to shift your mindset and refocus your life so that you can take charge of your life again. You’ll also discover the two simple things that will make miracles happen in your life. After listening, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to help you move past mediocrity and actively develop your full potential.
“Wake up early every day so that while others are still dreaming, you can make your dreams come true.” -Hal Elrod
“Find joy in everything you choose to do. …Every job, relationship, home… it’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.” -Chuck Palahniuk
"You do not find the happy life. You make it." -Camilla Eyring Kimball
May you be inspired and take action!
If you're ready for accelerated transformation, I'm launching Igniting Life on August 20th. This is a 12 week mental health and wellness makeover for individuals who are ready for change in clear, step-by-step ways with crucial accountability. If you’re ready to remodel your life and start thriving again, this is the course for you. I guarantee that the investment you make will be returned tenfold with tried and true therapeutic techniques, strategies, and tools from an invested, trustworthy source. Your compound growth is waiting for your commitment. You won’t regret it.
ALL LINKS → https://linktr.ee/fulfillmenttherapy
Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org
Contact → hello@fulfillmenttherapy.org
Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Group → Private FB Group
Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching
Chat → 1-986-910-5172 *text questions & topic requests
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
Do you feel like you’ve plateaued in life and that part of it may be because you make excuses, rationalize, get defensive, or rationalize away things that may help? Do you get frustrated with yourself but find it hard to root out those deep rooted character flaws?
If so, you’re not alone. We all have further to go when it comes to taking more ownership for our lives. In this episode, you’ll learn about the victim cycle and ownership model and how you can determine where you are at, and what exactly you need to do to move above the line towards greater peace, joy, and growth.
In today's episode you'll learn what behaviors will keep you stuck and how you’ll be ‘acted upon’ as a victim and what behaviors will allow you to act and be owners that will propel your growth to undiscovered heights.
You’ll hear quotes from Viktor Frankl and Stephen Covey and even get a free therapeutic exercise so you can begin to apply the concepts right away and make them more concrete in your mind and in your life.
If you're ready for accelerated transformation, I'm launching Igniting Life on August 20th. This is a 12 week mental health and wellness makeover for individuals who are ready for change in clear, step-by-step ways with crucial accountability. If you’re ready to remodel your life and start thriving again and you need more than these weekly episodes, this is the course for you. I guarantee that the investment you make will be returned tenfold with tried and true therapeutic techniques, strategies, and tools from someone you can trust.
ALL LINKS → https://linktr.ee/fulfillmenttherapy
Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org
Contact → hello@fulfillmenttherapy.org
Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Group → Private FB Group
Schedule 1:1 Coaching → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org/1-on-1-coaching
Chat → 1-986-910-5172 *text questions & topic requests
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
In today's episode you'll learn secrets to creating greater wellness balance–and tips to actually maintain. Find out what every client has in common and what one thing helps them find greater balance quickly and easily.
You’ll hear insights from President Russell M. Nelson, authors Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, and scriptural leaders like Isaiah and Alma.
You’ll discover tips on how to get started towards improving the different domains of wellness and then how to keep them going. I even give you some actionable homework to get started NOW on your own journey towards greater wellness balance.
I know you'll learn and grow exponentially as you do the work. Enjoy!
If you're ready for accelerated transformation, I'm launching Igniting Life on August 20th. This is a 12 week mental health and wellness makeover for individuals who are ready for change in clear, step-by-step ways with crucial accountability. If you’re ready to remodel your life and start thriving again and you need more than these weekly episodes, this is the course for you. I guarantee that the investment you make will be returned tenfold with tried and true therapeutic techniques, strategies, and tools from someone you can trust.
ALL LINKS → https://linktr.ee/fulfillmenttherapy
Website → https://fulfillmenttherapy.org
Contact → hello@fulfillmenttherapy.org
Instagram → @fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Community → http://bit.ly/fulfillmenttherapy
Facebook Group → Private FB Group
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